Mission Statement

  1. Elect officials who will take the strongest possible measures to protect the safety and integrity of their constituents and the neighborhoods they serve.

  2. Vehemently combat the establishment of illicit sober living facilities, specifically by David Fischbach and Sober Living Today (https://soberlivingtoday.com/). Note: we are not opposed to sober living, we are opposed to the shoddy and unethical manner in which they are run by DF and Sober Living Today which include, lack of access to support, overcrowding of homes, lack of on-site supervision and in general opposition to those like DF and Sober Living Today who take advantage of recovering addicts by using loopholes to profit off the plight of others.

  3. To tirelessly fight David Fischbach's illegal activity (including that of his companies and subsidiaries).

  4. Vehemently combat the creation of illegal dwelling units.

  5. Vehemently combat unpermitted construction.

  6. Elect officials who will introduce new legislation wherever possible to combat DF's illegal behavior, including passage of legislation for repeat offenders.

  7. Mandate that councilmembers direct staff to take the strongest possible actions against DF, by enforcing existing laws to the greatest extent possible, and drafting new laws where needed.

  8. Advocate for the removal of staff who do not take the strongest possible actions against DF.

  9. Advocate for the appointment of staff who will take the strongest possible actions against DF.

  10. Mandate that elected officials put residents' interests above and beyond political and financial rewards.

  11. Oppose any councilmember who takes money from DF, from his companies or from any entity associated with David Fischbach.